Thu. ぎぼうし

Why are you studying English? Never ask me. I only hope to get a British boyfriends.


Today’s lesson
blow torch (lamp). celebration dish.
The earthquake
Atsuko : Did you feel the earthquake last night?
Kiyo : No I didn’t. I was sleeping, but I was woken.
Yoko : Sure I did. I was just doing home work. It was big, wasn’t it? The news said it measured four on the Japanese scale.
Atsuko : Thank God it wasn’t any larger.
Yoko : I know. Incidentally, that reminds me of many houses being destroyed by the earthquake in China.
We need to have earthquake insurance.
Anyway, we used to say there were four frightening things on earth- earthquakes, thunder, fires, and fathers. But nowadays, mothers are more frightening than fathers.
Is it true that catfish have the power to foreknow earth quakes?