Fri. 乙女椿 rapes

I played ground golf in the morning, and I was present at English class in the afternoon, so I led a full life all day today. And I was very tired, I couldn't cook, so we had to go dinner out. We found a good Chinese restaurant. The restaurant had many menus, which the best food was Gyouza. Baking condition of the Gyouza was great. Next time, I'll invite someone to there.
Kiyo grew up many rape blossoms in his field. Last autumn he bought the seeds by 5,000yen. Nowadays the plants have buds. He gave me the rapes yesterday. It was very fresh and sweet. Not only fishes but also vegetables are fresh is good taste.
Anyway, rape means violate. So Kiyo gave me a lot of violates. Oh my gosh!
