Wed. はたはた


The small park.
The small park and my house are side by side. There is a big tree in this park. Many sparrows came together to the tree, and they lived there in this summer.
They chirped noisily at five every morning, so Cookie which is my neighbor’s dog begun to bark loudly, therefore our family had to wake up in the early morning every day.
I know that it is pleasant to wake up to the song of birds, but we were troubled by the chirping and the barks. We suffered from insomnia. One morning in August, I told off the dog in a loud voice” Cookie!”
A few days later, the big tree was trimmed, and many sparrows still came back to the tree in the evening. They were thrown into confusion then they chirped even harder, the next day, they didn’t come to the tree, so regained our sound sleeping again, and I’m not getting along well with the neighborhood these days.