
Shimanto Gawa
My husband is getting better, I’m relieved. I remember that I have never traveled during he has been in the hospital for three months.
I want to begin traveling again. When I was young, I enjoyed traveling alone, nowadays I don’t like to travel on my own, because it feel too lonely.
So, I asked some friends to go sightseeing to Shikoku. I’m luckily my three friends agree on my plan. And we take a three day trip to there next month. There we are going to Shimanto Gawa that is very popular with all of Japan. The river has crystal stream.
Since last July, I have traveled domestic trip every five months with my friends. Now, I can’t wait for the traveling.
Anyway, Kiyo san did you say before, you will paddle a canoe with your dog on Shimanto Gawa do you?
If you were right, why don’t you go to Shimant Gawa with us?