Thu.のうぜんかずら The sea bream


Today's lesson. Ice breaker(砕氷船とは別の意味). Money Talks(カンボジアでのこと). horse mackeral(どうして鰺が鯖の馬なの?)
In English class, KIYO showed us a photo of a big sea breams. The fish is over 60 centimeters which he landed yesterday. Everytimes in our class, he talked about fishes, but we haven't eaten his fish yet. So I suggested that we should have a party for eatting his sea bream. All of classmate agreed with me. But KIYO didn't answer to us. Oh my gosh!
Many bones of sea bream were dug up from the remains of Sannai Maruyama.
The biggest one was over 100 centimeters.
About 5,000 years ago, Jomon people had gotten sea bream, hadn’t they? How had they gotten the big fish? If KIYO had lived in the Jomon period with them, he should have been very popular among the Jomon people. Probably, KIYO would have caught many fish.