Tue. 五所川原 たちねぷた5


Summer festival
I went to Goshogawara to see Neputa. Neputa is one of the Dashi.
Dashi is called float in English.
Thirteen floats in the procession followed one another in quick succession.
The Neputa were artistic beauty. I remembered Munakatashiko who from Aomori.
I think his ability was borne from Aomori prefectural tradition.
Neputa means that we have to admonish ourselves for being lazy.
Anyway I want to see many summer festivals of the Tohoku area. So September 6th open Towadako Kunisakai festival and many festivals assemble from Aomori, Akita and Iwate prefecture. If I went to the festival, I could take the photos of many festivaks at a stroke.

In the morning, Kiyo called me, and we went to James school after a long absence, but the door closed. Maybe the school is on summer vcation, so we had to come back. we were sory.