Tue. The Mase keikoku.

Yesterday, the weather report said “It will rain tomorrow”. However, it was sunny today, so I went to enjoy the autumn colors of Mase Keikoku where it is located in the mount Sirakami. The leaves were golden and fantastic.
I took some photos there, but I couldn’t capture the mood of the forest. I want to make progress taking photos, so I entered a photo’s course at Yuhore to emprove my photography skills and it was canceled, because there were not enough applicants starting the course, I was disappointed at the result.
Anyway there is the Mase Keikoku in Moritake where it is a famous fishing port, and I expected to have fresh fishes. Luckily, I found a restaurant there, it seemed a good restaurant, I entered it, the cook recommended the Sasimi Teisyoku, and I tried it, however the fishes were not fresh. I felt displeased. And then some customers came in the restaurant, and they said “ what’s on the best menu today?” and the cook recommended the same menu as me. And they ordered not it but Tenpura Teisyoku, so I agreed “ You are right”. I thought perhaps they were local people who knew the restaurant had not fresh fishes, so they didn’t order it.
I've never had such unpleasant experience in a restaurant in Tokyo, in this way, I love Tokyo.