Fri. Christmas Eve 

Let's gather once more.     

          We wish you a merry Christmas.          

                          December 24 2010

Dear Mis and Mr VULLIERME

We are glad to hear that all of your family are healthy & happy.

Adrien & kyoko marriage brought happiness to us this year.

Right now AKITA is in the middle of the snow, so Hatahata, salmon and other winter's fishes are becoming delicious.

Please come to our country to enjoy those!! We are looking forward to seeing you again in Japan.

And we hope Kyoko lives in harmony with all of your family.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

                                  Yours sincerely

                                  Noriaki and Yoko

diary  肌・つるっつる

湯治から帰ってから、玉川温泉の湯花につかり、ローズヒップティーをたしなむこと10日間を経て肌はツルッツル、とブログで世界に向けて発信しました。小皺も消えて・・・と。しかしもう一つの要因が確認されましたので、追加します。この間 weight に変化があったのです。鎖骨も消えました。